Just a friendly reminder that the Lowell Writer’s Group will be meeting next Saturday the 18th of May at lala books on 89 Market Street. We meet from 10:30am-12:30pm.
If you plan on sharing your work it’s helpful if you can send it in early so members can have a chance to review it before we get together. [Click here to submit work for the workshop]
It helps if you can send it by the Wednesday before our meeting. Often if it arrives after that participants may not see it until too late to read it.
Of course, you can also just bring a piece to share with the group if that’s easier for you. As a rough guideline, it’s helpful if your submission is 1200 words or less, or up to three poems. We typically read aloud, so you want to keep it to about 5min reading time. This provides more time for others to share their work.
If you’d like to be in the members drop down, send me a link for you. If you don’t have a link to your primary online home, or a list of links to your work, send a bio and headshot — or you can do both.
Thanks one and all!